NeuroMotif Music Therapy

NeuroMotif is a Park Slope based music practice providing music education and music therapy services to Brooklyn and the surrounding areas. NeuroMotif aims to provide quality evidence-based services to students and clients of all neurotypes and abilities, and to cultivate and model a neurodiversity-affirming culture in their community. Founded by board-certified music therapists devoted to a client-led approach, NeuroMotif facilitiates music experiences with the whole person in mind – their strengths, challenges, and individuality. Through music, connection, and education, it provides learners of all ages with the space and tools to grow, fulfill their potential, and share their unique gifts with the world.

NeuroMotif provides private music lessons, adapted lessons, and music therapy at their Park Slope studio located within Spoke the Hub Recreation Center. It also facilitiates music therapy groups at preschools and daycares, and Parent-and-Me groups at businesses and facilities around Brooklyn.

NeuroMotif Music Therapy at Spoke the Hub
More Activities Here
