How a camera phone could save you thousands (in therapy)

Capturing those rare sibling hugs...priceless

When we had our second child we were stricken with second child guilt in all the familiar places. No, our number two doesn't have a baby book, I have no clue how old he was when he rolled over, I'm even a little shaky on what his first word was. There's no video of his first steps, um, there may be no video of him at all.

He ate candy before his first birthday, I nursed him 4 months less than I nursed number fact perhaps the only thing I may have done right with number two was getting a new cell phone.

That doesn't sound right, but for my birthday I received a new Motorola KRZR K1 Phone with a 2 megapixel camera and it has made all the difference between the great likelihood that my second child's toddlerhood would go completely unrecorded and feeling a little bit guilty that I may now take more pictures of him than my older child.

We are family, all my fellow NY bloggers and me

I thought it might be nice to put together a list of NYC kid-related blogs, but it's been surprisingly challenging to find other NYC parenting and mommy blogs. Over the last couple of months I've been adding to my list, but if you have a NYC parenting blog or know of mommy blogs I've missed please add them to the list. And if you have a blog invite your readers to come over and add their blogs. I think it will be great to have a roll call here that we can all see who else is out there. I've found some great sites and I'm looking forward to finding more.

After these messages, we'll be right back…

Sorry the posting came to a halt there. I've actually been tied up creating some exciting new advertising for one of my clients. So we'll be right back, after I get theses ads wrapped up.

I am going to try to get back to posting more often, but I also welcome and encourage readers to contribute. If anyone out there is interested in writing about living with kids in NYC, ideas of things to do or even general ideas on enriching our lives with children please email me.

Freakonomics: What Makes a Prefect Parent?

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner is a book that’s been around for a while, but I figure if I’ve just gotten around to reading it there are plenty of others who haven’t read it either. I had heard the buzz about this book, but hadn’t really paid much attention to it until one of my fellow PTA uber-moms told me that the book says that being on the PTA is the most significant thing you can do to assure academic success for your children. Well, that got my attention.

It turned out that her interpretation was a little bit self-serving, but it got me to read the book, and it is a great book, so I forgive her. If you haven’t read Freakonomics I highly recommend you pick it up.

You could say Freakonomics is either a book that takes a unique look at the world through the eyes of an economist, or is a unique take on economics by using it to look at the world - depending on whether you are an economist or a civilian. If you are a parent, especially an obsessive, urban parent, you will be quite anxious to read the chapter entitled, "What Makes a Perfect Parent?"

Good Reading. Good Eating. NYC Food Blogs

I had to create a list of NYC food blogs for a project I am working on and, even though food blogs have nothing to do with parenting, I thought it might be interesting to Mommy Poppins readers. Hey, we all eat, drink, shop and cook. It's good reading. Enjoy.

Via Toy Box is Really Cool Toy Storage

I actually just saw this cool toy storage advertised on Daddy Types and thought it was so great I had to write about it.

I don't know about you, but I hate putting things away. I like my apartment to be neat, but I also like to everything to be out enough so that I don't forget about it. To me the ideal way to clean up would be to just be able to toss everything into some cool looking piece of furniture that allowed me to organize the items by kind and also let me see what's in there. Clear plastic drawers or bins will do the job, but not nearly as nicely as these Via Toy Box units.
